【ニデック株式会社インターンシッププログラム会員サービス 会員規約】
【Nidec Corporation Internship Program Membership Services Terms of Use】
○第1条(ニデック株式会社インターンシッププログラム会員サービスの定義)Article 1 (Definition of Nidec Corporation Internship Program Membership Services)
The 'Nidec Corporation Internship Program Membership Services' (hereinafter referred to as 'Membership Services') refers to the internship information service provided by Nidec Corporation (hereinafter referred to as 'the Company') on the internet.
○第2条(会員)Article 2 (Members)
A member refers to an individual who applies for registration in the Membership Services by the method specified by the Company and is approved by the Company.
Members can receive services intended for members within the Membership Services.
Members must accept these terms and conditions at the time of joining. When a member uses the Membership Services, it is considered that they have accepted these terms and conditions.
○第3条(会員ID番号とパスワード)Article 3 (Member ID Number and Password)
Members will be assigned a member ID number and must register a password. However, if the Company determines that this violates Article 5, the member may not be assigned a member ID number.
Members must not transfer or lend their member ID number or password to any third party.
The management and use of the member ID number and password are the responsibility of the member, and the Company shall not be held liable for any errors in their use or for unauthorized use by third parties.
○第4条(会員サービス)Article 4 (Membership Services)
The provision period for the Membership Services is scheduled from February 1, 2025, to February 28, 2027.
The Company may change, suspend, or discontinue the Membership Services without prior notice to members, and members shall accept this.
Members acknowledge that there is a possibility of disruptions to the functionality of the Membership Services or that the Membership Services may be suspended due to circumstances such as system failures.
○第5条(会員の禁止行為)Article 5 (Prohibited Conduct for Members)
Members shall not engage in the following actions.
Actions that infringe on the copyrights, portrait rights, or other intellectual property rights of other members, the Company, or third parties.
Actions that infringe on the property, credit, honor, privacy, or other human rights of other members, the Company, or third parties.
Actions that defame or discrimination, criticism, slander other members, the Company, or third parties.
Actions that obstruct the operation of the Membership Services or actions that may pose such a risk.
Actions that hinder the Company's operations or cause disadvantage to the Company.
Personal solicitation, buying and selling of personal items, or any other activities aimed at business operations or profit-making through the use of the Membership Services.
Using information obtained through the Membership Services beyond the scope of personal use by duplicating, selling, publishing, or by any other means.
Political activities, election activities, and religious activities within the Membership Services.
Actions of registering as a member based on false information.
Actions that are associated with criminal activities, actions that violate public order and morals, and any other actions that contravene laws or regulations.
○第6条(除名)Article 6 (Expulsion)
If the Company determines that a member has violated these terms or is deemed inappropriate as a member, the Company may suspend the provision of Membership Services without prior notice to the member, and the member shall accept this.
○第7条(損害賠償)Article 7 (Damages)
The Company shall not be held liable for any damages incurred by members as a result of the use, modification, suspension, or discontinuation of the Membership Services. Furthermore, the Company shall not be liable for any damages suffered by members or third parties as a result of using the Membership Services and shall have no obligation to provide compensation for such damages.
○第8条(提供された情報の当社による利用および第三者への提供)Article 8 (Use of Provided Information by the Company and Provision to Third Parties)
Members agree that the information provided by them (including personal information) may be used by the Company for the purpose of conducting internships and for related information provision purposes. For information on the handling of personal information provided, please refer to the attached document titled 'Regarding the Handling of Personal Information.'
The Company may create statistical data that has been processed in such a way that individuals cannot be identified based on the personal information provided by members. The Company may use such non-identifiable statistical data without any restrictions (this usage includes, but is not limited to, considerations for the development of new services by the Company). Furthermore, all copyrights and other rights in this case shall belong to the Company.
The Company shall not use or disclose members' personal information beyond the purpose of use without justifiable reason. Additionally, the Company may outsource the creation of the statistical data mentioned in the previous paragraph to a third party, and members agree to this.
○第9条(本規約の変更)Article 9 (Changes to These Terms and Conditions)
The Company may change these terms and conditions at any time. The details of the changes will be displayed on the internet. After this display, if a member uses the Membership Services, that member is deemed to have accepted the changes. Members who cannot accept the changes shall withdraw from membership.
○付則Supplementary Provisions
This regulation will be implemented from February 1, 2025.
Nidec Corporation
【個人情報の取り扱いについて】【Regarding the Handling of Personal Information】
1. 利用目的 Purpose of Use
The Company collects personal information about applicants, such as their name, address, phone number, and email address (hereinafter referred to as 'personal information'), solely for the purpose of the internship program for applicants.
2. 個人情報の第三者への提供について Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties
The Company will not provide personal information to third parties except in the following cases.
(1) 応募者の同意がある場合。
In cases where the applicant has given consent.
(2) 国の機関又は地方公共団体が法令の定める業務を遂行することに対して協力する必要がある場合。
In cases where it is necessary to cooperate with national agencies or local public organizations in the performance of their duties as stipulated by law.
(3) 必要となる業務委託先に開示する場合。
In cases where it is disclosed to necessary contractors.
3. 個人情報の管理について Management of Personal Information
The Company will strictly manage the personal information of applicants under its responsibility. Additionally, while the Company may outsource the operation of the internship program to external companies, it will strive to manage personal information by imposing confidentiality obligations on those contractors.
個人情報保護管理者(代理) ニデック株式会社 人事部長 田根精枝
Personal Information Protection Manager (Deputy) Nidec Corporation Director of Human Resources Kiyoe Tane
4. 内容の変更について Changes to the Content
The provisions set forth here may be changed due to laws and regulations or other circumstances of the Company.
5.個人情報の開示、訂正、追加又は削除、利用停止等の申出等について Requests for Disclosure, Correction, Addition, Deletion, or Suspension of Use of Personal Information
For requests regarding the disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, or suspension of use of personal information, please contact us at the following.
■ニデック株式会社 人事部 個人情報に関する問い合わせ窓口 Nidec Corporation Human Resources Department Contact Point for Inquiries Regarding Personal Information
〒601-8205 京都市南区久世殿城町338番地
338 Kuze Donjo-cho, Minami-ku, Kyoto City, 601-8205