2025/02/14(金) 更新
求人カテゴリー / Recruiting Category
職種/Job type
研究職/Research job
雇用形態/Employment pattern
任期制常勤職員/Fixed-Term Full-Time Staff
職名/Job type
博士研究員/Postdoctoral Fellow
業務テーマ/Work theme
Tau network mapping in dementia patients usingresting-state functional MRI connectivity
Tau network mapping in dementia patients usingresting-state functional MRI connectivity
業務内容/Work contents
To identify the brain network dysfunction underlying a specific symptom in tauopathy patients by combining information on thedistributed locations of tau-deposit across patients showing the symptom with the resting-state fMRI connectivity derived froma large population of normal subjects.
To identify the brain network dysfunction underlying a specific symptom in tauopathy patients by combining information on thedistributed locations of tau-deposit across patients showing the symptom with the resting-state fMRI connectivity derived froma large population of normal subjects.
応募資格/Application eligibility
(1)A person who is willing to take the initiative in executing research based on the research theme set by QST.
(2)A person for whom eight years have not passed, at the time of hiring, since the acquisition of their doctoral degree. However, a foreign national researcher is eligible if eight years have not passed, at the time of being newly hired, since the acquisition of their foreign license or qualification that QST finds equivalent to those licenses and qualifications of Japanese doctors, medical radiology technicians, or medical physicists, and also if QST finds that this foreign national researcher possesses abilities equivalent to those of doctoral degree holders. If a person took maternity leave before or after childbirth under the Labor Standards Act or childcare leave or caregiver leave under the Act on Childcare and Caregiver Leave, this person is eligible if eight years excluding the period of such leave have not passed, at the time of being newly hired, since the acquisition of their degree, etc.
(3)Any person who has ever worked at QST as a doctoral research fellow is not eligible to apply.
(1)A person who is willing to take the initiative in executing research based on the research theme set by QST.
(2)A person for whom eight years have not passed, at the time of hiring, since the acquisition of their doctoral degree. However, a foreign national researcher is eligible if eight years have not passed, at the time of being newly hired, since the acquisition of their foreign license or qualification that QST finds equivalent to those licenses and qualifications of Japanese doctors, medical radiology technicians, or medical physicists, and also if QST finds that this foreign national researcher possesses abilities equivalent to those of doctoral degree holders. If a person took maternity leave before or after childbirth under the Labor Standards Act or childcare leave or caregiver leave under the Act on Childcare and Caregiver Leave, this person is eligible if eight years excluding the period of such leave have not passed, at the time of being newly hired, since the acquisition of their degree, etc.
(3)Any person who has ever worked at QST as a doctoral research fellow is not eligible to apply.
Based on our annual salary system, the salary is determined according to the following categories on the basis of experience, achievements, etc.
A monthly amount of 370000, 400000, or 450000 yen (inclusive of social insurance premiums and taxes)
Based on our annual salary system, the salary is determined according to the following categories on the basis of experience, achievements, etc.
A monthly amount of 370000, 400000, or 450000 yen (inclusive of social insurance premiums and taxes)
提出書類/Documents to be submitted
(1)Achievement list (organized according to original articles, review papers, and conference presentations; in reverse chronological order)
(2)Outline of main achievements (up to 2 sheets of A4 paper)
(3)Your aspirations for future research (up to 2 sheets of A4 paper)
(When stating your aspirations, associate them with the theme of your choice.)
(4)Reprints of up to five main papers
(5)Diploma (copy)
(1)Achievement list (organized according to original articles, review papers, and conference presentations; in reverse chronological order)
(2)Outline of main achievements (up to 2 sheets of A4 paper)
(3)Your aspirations for future research (up to 2 sheets of A4 paper)
(When stating your aspirations, associate them with the theme of your choice.)
(4)Reprints of up to five main papers
(5)Diploma (copy)
提出期限(随時募集)/submission deadline
随時選考を行います。(ただし、適任者決定次第締め切り)/selection at any time (however,no examination will be held once a competent person for the relevant job has been selected)
勤務地 / Work location
採用予定人数/Number of positions
1名/ 1persons
配属先(予定)/Assignment site
Department of Functional BrainImaging
Department of Functional BrainImaging
Commuting allowance, housing allowance, cold district allowance, allowance for late night work, allowance for night work, allowance for night or day duty, etc.
Commuting allowance, housing allowance, cold district allowance, allowance for late night work, allowance for night work, allowance for night or day duty, etc.
勤務時間/Working hours
Discretionary work system (a length of 7 hours and 30 minutes is deemed to have been worked on a single prescribed working day)
Discretionary work system (a length of 7 hours and 30 minutes is deemed to have been worked on a single prescribed working day)
勤務形態(その他)/Working arrangement
裁量労働制/Discretionary work system
休日/Non-working days
Two days-off per week (Saturday and Sunday), public holidays, and the year-end and new year period (from December 29 of the year to January 3 of the following year)
Two days-off per week (Saturday and Sunday), public holidays, and the year-end and new year period (from December 29 of the year to January 3 of the following year)
年次休暇、特別休暇(夏季休暇、リフレッシュ休暇、ボランティア休暇、結婚休暇、産前・産後休暇、育児休業制度、育児参加休暇、介護休暇制度 等)
Annual leave, special leave (summer vacation, refreshment leave, leave for volunteering, marriage leave, maternity leave before and after childbirth, childcare leave system, childcare participation leave, caregiver leave system, etc.)
Annual leave, special leave (summer vacation, refreshment leave, leave for volunteering, marriage leave, maternity leave before and after childbirth, childcare leave system, childcare participation leave, caregiver leave system, etc.)
各種保険/Types of insurance
健康保険/Health insurance, 厚生年金保険/Employees pension insurance, 科学技術企業年金基金/Corporate pension fund for scientific and technology-based companies, 雇用保険/Employment insurance, 労災保険/Industrial accident insurance
There are no accommodations.
There are no accommodations.
赴任旅費/Costs incurred for relocation
赴任に伴い住所の移転が生じた際の費用を当機構旅費規程に基づき支給/Costs incurred for relocation in taking up a post will be provided in accordance with the travel expense regulations of QST.
提出書類(その他)/Document (other)
If you reside in a member state of the EEA (European Economic Area, which consists of the EU member states, Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway), please also submit the following consent form. (Consent Form Regarding Handling of Personal Information)
If you reside in a member state of the EEA (European Economic Area, which consists of the EU member states, Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway), please also submit the following consent form. (Consent Form Regarding Handling of Personal Information)
採用試験/Employment examination
(1)Achievement screening (an oral presentation with PowerPoint slides, etc. and a question and answer session)
(1)Achievement screening (an oral presentation with PowerPoint slides, etc. and a question and answer session)
書類審査/Documentary screening
The submitted application documents will be examined to determine employment examination takers. Documentary screening results and details on the employment examination will be sent to the email address stated in the application document or will be notified to you through MYPAGE.
The submitted application documents will be examined to determine employment examination takers. Documentary screening results and details on the employment examination will be sent to the email address stated in the application document or will be notified to you through MYPAGE.
採用試験日/Employment examination date
採用試験会場/Examination venue
National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology
* The scheduled examination venue may be subject to change. Examination takers will be notified at a later date.
National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology
* The scheduled examination venue may be subject to change. Examination takers will be notified at a later date.
採用試験結果/Examination result
After the employment examination, the examination takers will be notified of their results promptly by email or in writing.
* Please note that we cannot answer inquiries concerning screening results.
After the employment examination, the examination takers will be notified of their results promptly by email or in writing.
* Please note that we cannot answer inquiries concerning screening results.
契約期間(更新条件等)Contractual period
令和6年4月1日以降可能な限り早い採用日(毎月1日付)から令和7年3月31日まで/From 4, 1, 2024 up until 3 ,31, 2025
Depending on an evaluation prior to the end of the contract for the fiscal year concerned, the renewal of the contract is possible with an upper limit of three years from the date of hiring. If you are employed by QST on a fixed-term basis, an aggregate upper limit of five years applies to your employment period.
Depending on an evaluation prior to the end of the contract for the fiscal year concerned, the renewal of the contract is possible with an upper limit of three years from the date of hiring. If you are employed by QST on a fixed-term basis, an aggregate upper limit of five years applies to your employment period.
旅費について/Travel expenses
採用試験に係る旅費は支給しません。/No travel expense is provided for the employment examination.
問い合わせ先/Contact point
〒263-8555 千葉県千葉市稲毛区穴川4丁目9番1号
国立研究開発法人量子科学技術研究開発機構 量子生命・医学部門 管理部庶務課
Tel: 043-206-3004 E-mail:nirs_jinji=qst.go.jp
〒263-8555 千葉県千葉市稲毛区穴川4丁目9番1号
国立研究開発法人量子科学技術研究開発機構 量子生命・医学部門 量子生命・医学部門 量子医科学研究所 脳機能イメージング研究部
Tel: 043-206-3249 E-mail:hirabayashi.toshiyuki=qst.go.jp
(1) For application-related inquiries
National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology
4-9-1 Anagawa, Inage-ku, Chiba-shi, Chiba 263-8555, Japan
Tel: +81-43-206-3004 E-mail:nirs_jinji=qst.go.jp
(Replace "=" with "@" )
(2) For inquiries about work contents
〒263-8555 千葉県千葉市稲毛区穴川4丁目9番1号
国立研究開発法人量子科学技術研究開発機構 量子生命・医学部門 管理部庶務課
Tel: 043-206-3004 E-mail:nirs_jinji=qst.go.jp
〒263-8555 千葉県千葉市稲毛区穴川4丁目9番1号
国立研究開発法人量子科学技術研究開発機構 量子生命・医学部門 量子生命・医学部門 量子医科学研究所 脳機能イメージング研究部
Tel: 043-206-3249 E-mail:hirabayashi.toshiyuki=qst.go.jp
(1) For application-related inquiries
National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology
4-9-1 Anagawa, Inage-ku, Chiba-shi, Chiba 263-8555, Japan
Tel: +81-43-206-3004 E-mail:nirs_jinji=qst.go.jp
(Replace "=" with "@" )
(2) For inquiries about work contents
留意事項/Point to consider
If you do not hold Japanese nationality, you need to obtain the visa required for working at QST in Japan prior to the scheduled date of hiring.
If you do not hold Japanese nationality, you need to obtain the visa required for working at QST in Japan prior to the scheduled date of hiring.
An employee hired through this application process falls under the provisions of Article 15-2, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Act on Vitalizing the Creation of Science, Technology, and Innovation, and is subject to the exception set forth in Article 18 of the Labor Contracts Act.
An employee hired through this application process falls under the provisions of Article 15-2, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Act on Vitalizing the Creation of Science, Technology, and Innovation, and is subject to the exception set forth in Article 18 of the Labor Contracts Act.