Please check and agree to the membership terms and conditions before logging in.
パスワード / Password
【国立研究開発法人情報通信研究機構研究職採用会員サービス 会員規約】
English follows Japanese.
① システムのメンテナンスまたは修理を定期的にまたは緊急に行う場合
② アクセス過多によってシステムに負荷が集中した場合
③ 会員、当機構または第三者のセキュリティを確保する必要が生じた場合
④ 通信回線の停止、天災、火災、停電、その他の不慮の事故または戦争、紛争、動乱、暴動、労働争議等の不可抗力により会員サービスの提供が困難な場合
⑤ その他当機構が会員サービスに関する状況に照らして合理的に中断が必要と判断した場合
① 他の会員、当機構または第三者の著作権その他の知的財産権を侵害する行為
② 他の会員、当機構または第三者の財産、信用、名誉、肖像権、プライバシー、その他の権利利益を侵害する行為
③ 他の会員、当機構または第三者を差別、批判、攻撃、誹謗中傷する行為
④ 会員サービスの運営を妨げる行為、またはその恐れのある行為
⑤ 当機構の業務を阻害する行為、または不利益を与える行為
⑥ 個人的な勧誘行為、個人的な物品の売買行為、その他会員サービスを利用して、営業活動、営利を目的とした情報提供活動を行うこと
⑦ 会員サービスを通じて入手した情報を複製、販売、出版その他の方法により私的利用の範囲を超えて使用すること
⑧ 会員サービス上における政治活動、選挙活動、宗教活動
⑨ 虚偽の内容に基づいて会員登録する行為
⑩ 犯罪的行為に結びつく行為、公序良俗に反する行為、その他法令に反する行為
① 会員に法令や本規約に違反する行為があった場合
② 会員に会員サービス利用に関して不正行為があった場合
③ 一定回数以上のパスワードの入力ミスがあるなど会員のセキュリティを確保するために必要な場合
④ その他、当機構が合理的に不適切と判断した場合
(1) 採用業務(今後の採用活動の参考のためにアンケート等に用いることを含む)
(2) 選考の結果採用となった方へ着任前に連絡をするため
(3) 選考の結果採用となった方の応募情報について、着任後に当機構の人事情報とするため
(1) 応募者の同意がある場合。
(2) 国の機関又は地方公共団体が法令の定める業務を遂行することに対して協力する必要がある場合。
[National Institute of Information and Communications Technology Researcher Recruitment Membership Service, Membership Terms and Conditions]
○Article 1 (Definition of National Institute of Information and Communications Technology Researcher Recruitment Membership Service)
“National Institute of Information and Communications Technology Researcher Recruitment Membership Service” (hereinafter referred to as “Membership Service”) refers to the Internet service provided by National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (hereinafter referred to as “NICT"), Recruitment Information Service.
○Article 2 (Membership)
(1) A member is a person who has applied for registration for membership services using the method specified by NICT and has been approved by NICT, and becomes a member upon approval by NICT.
(2) Members can receive services for members in Membership Service.
(3) Members must accept these Terms and Conditions before applying to register for membership services. When a member applies to register for member services, he or she is deemed to have accepted these Terms.
○Article 3 (Member ID and password)
(1) Members shall be given a member ID by NICT and register a password. However, if NICT determines that there is a violation of Article 5, the member ID may not be granted.
(2) Members must not transfer or lend their member ID and password to a third party.
(3) Management and use of member ID and password is the responsibility of the member, and NICT shall not be responsible for any damage caused by errors in the use of these or unauthorized use by a third party.
○Article 4 (Period of provision of member services, changes, suspension, termination, etc.)
(1) The period for providing membership services will be from January 27th, 2025 to March 31, 2026 (scheduled).
(2) NICT may change or add all or part of the content of member services, or terminate the provision of member services.
(3) In the case of the preceding paragraph, NICT shall provide information to members at an appropriate time and in an appropriate manner, taking into account the impact and operational status of member services.
(4) NICT may change, suspend, or cancel Member Service without prior notice to members in the following cases, and members shall agree to this.
① When performing regular or emergency system maintenance or repair
② When the load is concentrated on the system due to excessive access
③ If it becomes necessary to ensure the security of the member, our organization, or a third party
④ If it is difficult to provide member services due to force majeure such as communication line outages, natural disasters, fires, power outages, other unforeseen accidents, wars, disputes, upheavals, riots, labor disputes, etc.
⑤ In other cases where the organization deems that suspension is reasonably necessary in light of the circumstances regarding member services.
(5) NICT shall not be held responsible for any damage caused to members as a result of measures taken by NICT pursuant to this article, unless there are reasons attributable to the Organization.
○Article 5 (Prohibited acts by members)
Members shall not engage in any of the acts specified in the following items.
① Acts that infringe on the copyrights and other intellectual property rights of other members, NICT, or third parties
② Acts that infringe on the property, trust, honor, portrait rights, privacy, or other and interests of other members, NICT, or third parties
③ Acts that discriminate, criticize, attack, or slander other members, NICT, or third parties
④ Acts that interfere with the operation of Membership Service, or acts that are likely to do so
⑤ Acts that obstruct the business of this organization or act to cause disadvantage
⑥ Engaging in personal solicitation, buying and selling of personal items, or other activities using membership services to conduct sales activities or provide information for the purpose of profit
⑦ Use information obtained through membership services beyond the scope of personal use by copying, selling, publishing, or other methods
⑧ Political activities, election activities, and religious activities in Membership Service
⑨ Act of registering as a member based on false information
⑩ Acts that lead to criminal acts, acts that violate public order and morals, and other acts that violate laws and regulations
○Article 6 (Expulsion)
(1) If the organization determines that a member falls under any of the following items, the organization may, without prior notice to the member, suspend the provision of member services, suspend the account, change the ID and password, or We may take measures such as canceling the membership of such member. Even if any disadvantage or damage occurs to the member as a result of this, the Organization will not be responsible unless there is a reason attributable to the Organization.
① If a member engages in an act that violates laws and regulations or these Terms of Use.
② If a member engages in misconduct regarding the use of member services
③ When it is necessary to ensure member security, such as when there is a password entry error more than a certain number of times.
④ In other cases that our organization reasonably deems inappropriate.
(2) In addition to the preceding paragraph, if a member does not log in a certain number of times within a certain period specified by the Organization, the Organization may take the measures prescribed in the preceding paragraph without prior notice. Masu. The scope of our organization's responsibility in the event that measures are taken shall be the same as in the previous paragraph.
○Article 7 (Withdrawal of membership and termination of this agreement)
(1) Members may terminate this agreement at any time by following the withdrawal procedures prescribed by the organization.
(2) If this Agreement is terminated by the withdrawal procedure set forth in the preceding paragraph or for any reason, the Member will immediately be unable to use any account or member services. At that time, all rights of members that they had in connection with member services shall be extinguished unless otherwise specified by the organization regarding this service, and unless there is a reason attributable to the organization, the member shall , you cannot make any claims against the organization. However, if the Member owes a debt to the Organization prior to the termination of this Agreement, such debt will not be extinguished, and the Member shall not owe the Organization under this Agreement, unless otherwise specified by the Organization regarding the Service. All such debts must be paid immediately after termination.
○Article 8 (Disclaimer of warranty and liability)
(1) Members expect that all information provided by NICT through member services will ① be free of errors, bugs, defects, or security flaws, and ② not infringe on the rights of third parties. You understand that NICT does not make any guarantees regarding the nature of the service or its compliance with laws and regulations applicable to the member, and ③ the member service will be provided as is at the time of provision of the member service, you agree to this and use the member service at your own risk.
(2) NICT does not guarantee the authenticity, accuracy, currency, usefulness, reliability, legality, and non-infringement of third party rights of the content of the services that can be used in the member's account. No warranty is provided.
(3) In the event that NICT assumes liability to a member in connection with the member's use of member services, NICT shall not be responsible for any normal and direct damage that actually occurs to the member, except in cases where NICT is intentionally or grossly negligent. We will only compensate for damages within this range, and shall not be liable for damages arising from special circumstances (including cases where the occurrence of damage was foreseen or could have been foreseen).
○Additional provisions
This agreement will take effect from January 27th, 2025.
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
[About the handling of personal information]
1. Purpose of use
(1) Recruitment operations (including use in questionnaires, etc. for reference in future recruitment activities)
(2) To contact those who have been selected as a result of the screening process before taking up their positions.
(3) In order to use the application information of those who are hired as a result of the screening as NICT’a personnel information after their arrival.
2. Regarding provision of personal information to third parties
NICT will not provide personal information to third parties except in the following cases.
(1) When there is consent of the applicant.
(2) When it is necessary to cooperate with national institutions or local governments in carrying out their duties as stipulated by law.
3. Management of personal information
NICT strictly manages applicants' personal information under our responsibility.
4. Regarding changes in content
The matters stipulated here are subject to change due to laws, regulations, or other circumstances of NICT.
5. Regarding disclosure, correction, addition or deletion of personal information, requests for suspension of use, etc.
For requests for disclosure, correction, addition or deletion, suspension of use, etc. of personal information, please contact the following.