【Peach Aviation株式会社採用ホームページ会員サービス 会員規約】
○第1条(Peach Aviation株式会社採用ホームページ会員サービスの定義)
「Peach Aviation株式会社採用ホームページ会員サービス」(以下「会員サービス」とします)とは、Peach Aviation株式会社(以下「当社」とします)が提供するインターネット上の就職情報サービスのことをいいます。
本条の定めにかかわらず、会員がANAホールディングス株式会社またはそのグループ会社に所属している場合、採用内定時に、入社時期等調整のため、当該採用応募者等の氏名および所属情報を当該所属会社と共同利用することがあります。当該情報の管理については、当社(〒549-0001大阪府泉佐野市泉州空港北1番地 代表取締役CEO大橋一成)が責任を有するものとします。
① 会員の一般の利益に適合する場合
[Member services on Peach Aviation Limited's recruitment website - Terms and Conditions of Member]
○ Article 1 (Definition of member services on Peach Aviation Limited's recruitment website)
Member services on Peach Aviation Limited's recruitment website (hereinafter referred to as "Member Service") means the online recruitment information and services provided by Peach Aviation Limited (hereinafter referred to as "the Company").
○ Article 2 (Members)
(1) A member shall mean a person who engages in job-seeking activities and register for the Member Services on this website according to the method specified and approved by The Company.
(2) The member shall have the right to use the member services on this website.
(3) The member hereby agree that this agreement shall be effective at the time of admission.
○ Article 3 (Member ID number and password)
(1) The member shall register the password as soon as the member ID number is provided by The Company. However, the member ID number may not be granted in the event that the Company determines that there is a violation of Article 5 hereof.
(2) The member shall not disclose, transfer and/or lend the membership ID number and password to any third party.
(3) The management and use of the Member ID number and the password registered by the Member shall be on the Member's own responsibility. The Company shall not be responsible for any misuse iccured by the Member or any third party.
○ Article 4 (Member Services)
(1) The member hereby acknowledges and agrees that the operation of the Member Service may be suspended or ceased by The Company without prior notice.
(2) The member hereby acknowledges and agrees that the function of member service may be disrupted or suspended due to a system failure or any other circumstances.
(3) In no event shall The Company be liable for any damage to the Member caused by any change, suspension, or discontinuation of the Member Service.
(4) The Company may change the contents of the Member Service and such change shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Article 9.
○ Article 5 (Prohibition)
The Member shall not perform any of the following acts.
(1) The act of infringing copyrights, portrait rights, or other intellectual property rights of other members, The Company, or third parties
(2) The act of infringing the property, credit, reputation, privacy, and/or other human rights of other members, The Company, and/or third parties
(3) The act of discriminating, criticizing, attacking, and/or slandering other members, The Company, and/or third parties
(4) The act of interfering with or be liable to interfere with the operation of the member services on this website.
(5) The act of interfering with The Company`s operation and/or inflicting a loss on The Company.
(6) The act of canvassing and/or selling goods for personal purposes, and/or using the member services this website to provide information for business and/or commercial purposes.
(7) The act of reproducting, selling and/or publishing the information obtained by the member services on this website, and/or using such information for any purpose other than private use.
(8) The act of political, election, and/or religious activities using the member services on this website.
(9) The act of providing false information for the registeration.
(10) Acts lead to criminal act, and/or the act of violating public order and morals, and/or laws and regulations.
○ Article 6 (Expulsion)
A member hereby acknowledges and agrees that, member services may be ceased by The Company without any prior notice upon a determination that the member has committed a breach of this agreement, and/or been considered a defaulting member.
○ Article 7 (Compensation for Damages)
The company shall not be liable for any loss or damage to the Member caused by the use, change, suspension, or discontinuation of the Member Service.
And The company shall not be liable for any loss or damage incurred by any member or third party by using the Member Services, except any loss or damage related to or arising from The Company's gross negligence or willful misconduct.
○ Article 8 (Use of Personal Data by The Company)
The member hereby acknowledge and agree that, the information provided by the member shall be used for the purpose of recruiting activities.
The company shall not use or disclose personal information such as the name of a member out of the above purpose without any justifiable reason.
Notwithstanding the provision of this article, if the member belongs to ANA Holdings Co. Ltd. or its affiliated company, information registered on this website, such as member's name, shall be shared with the preceding affiliated company to which the member belongs, for the purposes of offering job or scheduling the onboarding, etc. The company(〒549-0001 1 Senshu Kukou Kita, Izumisano-shi, Osaka, Japan Representative Director and CEO: Kazunari Ohashi)shall be liable for the management of such information.
○ Article 9 (Amendment of this Agreement)
(1) The company shall amend this agreement from time to time without obtaining the prior consent from the members in any of the following circumstances: notifying the members of the changes on the internet, or informing the members of the changes using the methods specified by The Company.
In addition, in the event this agreement is amended pursuant to ② of this paragraph, the revised agreement shall be applicable within a reasonable period after a notification of amendment.
① If the changes conform to the common interests of members.
② If the changes are found to be caused by social and economic circumstances, laws and regulations, conditions of member services, and/or any other reasonable circumstances.
(2) Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, this agreement shall be amended using any reasonable methods, such as obtaining the consent from members, etc..
○ Supplementary Provisions
This Agreement shall be effective from April 1 , 2023.
【 従業員等個人情報の取り扱いについて】
a. 給与・賞与・その他報奨金の計算・支給業務、各種控除、融資返済等の支払金の給与控除と支払手続き業務
b. 社会保険業務
c. 給与所得に関する税務
d. 労災補償業務
e. 福利厚生業務(福利厚生施設の運用、各種保険・商品・サービスの紹介)
f. 健康管理業務
g. 人事異動に伴う労務関連業務
h. 内部及び外部による監査業務
2) 人事配置・能力開発・処遇及び人事諸制度企画立案・調査・分析・運用等の以下の人事・労政業務
a 組織体制立案・人事配置
b. 従業員の能力開発、教育訓練及び自己啓発支援、目標管理
c. 賃金・報奨金の決定
d. 人事配置や賃金の決定等のための人事考課
e. 人事諸制度作成及び労務関連業務の運用基準の策定
f. 表彰・懲戒
g. 社内行事の実施
3) 従業員等の募集・採用選考・内定通知に係る業務ならびに、当社への入社に係る業務
a. 各種会社説明会の案内および申込み受付のため
b. 応募後の参考のための当社の各種企業情報の案内および送付のため
c. 従業員の募集内容の案内のため
d. 面接、書類選考等の採用選考の申込み受付のため
e. 採用選考を実施するため
f. 採用選考結果の本人への通知を行うため
g. 採用内定通知を行うため
h. 雇入れ時の健康診断を実施するため
j. 配属決定にかかる通知を行うため
k. 内定者説明会および入社式等の案内のため
l. 事前研修等の実施のため
m. 障害者雇用等に関係する法令で定められた業務
n. 就労可能な在留資格取得手続きのため
o. 出張手配のため
4) 退職者に係る業務
a. 退職者との連絡を実施するため
b. 税務署及び職業安定署による監査対応のため
c. 会計監査及び内部監査の対応のため
d. 人事データ作成のため
5) 法令に定める事項の遵守、業務上及び緊急時における連絡及びそのための連絡体制の作成、配布・配送業務、入退室等セキュリティ管理、勤務管理、経理業務等
6) 上記のほか、会社の諸規則を実施するために必要な事項
3) 法令上要求される諸手続きを履行するために、国・地方公共団体・官公庁等の関係団体へ必要な個人情報を提供する場合
4) 派遣・出向・移籍等の人事配置を行うために、他社、他団体等の第三者へ個人情報を提供する場合
5) 個人情報保護法が規定する本人の同意を得ずに第三者提供できる場合
a. 法令に基づく場合
b. 人の生命、身体又は財産の保護のために必要がある場合であって本人の同意を得ることが困難であるとき
c. 公衆衛生の向上又は児童の健全な育成の推進のために特に必要がある場合であって本人の同意を得ることが困難であるとき
d. 国の機関、地方公共団体又はその委託を受けた者が法令の定める事務を遂行することに対して協力する必要がある場合本人の同意を得ることにより当該事務の遂行に支障を及ぼすおそれがあるとき。
② 上記の場合以外に第三者へ個人情報を提供するときには、従業員等または採用応募者等本人からの同意を得るものとします。
3. 従業員等及び採用応募者等の個人情報の開示等
② 従業員等及び採用応募者等に関する個人情報の利用目的の通知、利用停止、消去、第三者への提供の停止、第三者提供記録の開示および個人情報保護措置に関する情報提供並びに当社システムにより閲覧、訂正等することができない個人情報の開示、訂正等については、以下の窓口にて受け付けております。所定の請求用紙に必要書類を添付の上、郵送にて請求ください。
〒549-0011 大阪府泉南郡田尻町泉州空港中1番地
Peach Aviation 株式会社 個人情報取扱い担当
(ア) 運転免許証、パスポート、身体障害者手帳、在留カードまたは特別永住者証明書のいずれか1点を複写したもの
(イ) 上の(ア)以外の場合は、次に掲げるもののうちの2点
保有個人データの利用目的の通知または開示の請求の場合で、かつ郵送による回答を希望される場合は、1回の請求ごとに手数料1,000円(税込)をご負担いただきます。 株式会社ゆうちょ銀行が発行する定額小為替証書(1,000円分)を同封してください。
③ 上記に関わらず、当社は次の各号のいずれかに該当する場合には、個人情報の開示等の請求の全部または一部に応じないことがあります。
4. 個人情報の管理
代表取締役CEO 大橋 一成
[Handling of Employee Personal Information]
The personal information of directors, employees (including not only those who are in a direct employment relationship with the Company but also those who are on temporary secondment or temporary staff), retirees, their families (hereafter referred to collectively as "employees, etc.") and those who are applying or have applied to become a director or employee of the Company (hereafter referred to as "applicants, etc.") shall be handled as follows:
1. Purpose of use of personal information of employees, etc. and applicants, etc.
The Company uses the personal information of employees, etc. and applicants, etc. for the following purposes.
We will not use your personal information in a manner that may encourage or induce illegal or improper activities, even within the scope of the purpose.
1) Labor-related operations
a. Calculation and payment of salaries, bonuses and other financial incentives,withholdings, deductions for returning loans and payment procedures
b. Social insurance operations
c. Taxes related to employment income
d. Workers’ compensation operations
e. Welfare program operations (running of welfare facilities, introduction of various insurance products and services)
f. Health management operations
g. Labor-related operations associated with personnel transfers
h. Internal and external audit operations
2) Personnel and labor administration operations below associated with personnel assignment,skills development, treatment as well as planning and proposal, investigation, analysis,operation, etc. of various personnel systems
a. Organizational structure planning and personnel assignment
b. Employee skills development, educational training, self-development support, goal management
c. Determination of wages and financial incentives
d. Performance review for determining personnel assignment and wages
e. Creation of various personnel systems and formulation of standards for labor-related operations
f. Commendations and official reprimands
g. Internal events
3) Operations related to recruiting, screening and notification of job offers for employees, etc. and operations related to the new hire employment
a. Provision of information on various company explanatory meetings and acceptance of applications for same
b. Provision or sending of corporate information for reference following application
c. Provision of information on employee recruiting details
d. Acceptance of applications for interviews, document screening and other employment screening
e. Employment screening
f. Notification of results of employment screening
g. Notification of job offers
h. Health examinations at time of hiring
i. Proper assignment
j. Notification of assignment decision
k. Provision of information on explanatory meetings for prospective employees, initiation ceremonies, etc.
l. Advance training
m. Operations stipulated in laws related to hiring of persons with disabilities
n. Preparation of acquisition of status of residence
o. Preparation of business trip
4) Operations related to retirees
a. Communication with retirees
b. Response to audits by tax and employment security offices
c. Response to accounting and internal audits
d. Preparation of personnel data
5) Observance of legal stipulations, operational and emergency communications, creation of communication system, distribution/delivery operations, security and access control, work management, accounting operations, etc.
6) Other necessary matters for implementing various corporate regulations
2. Scope of users of personal information of employees, etc. and applicants, etc.
(1) The personal information of employees, etc. and applicants, etc. may be provided to the persons/organizations listed below in the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use defined in 1 above.
1) The Company's contractors hired to do operations related to labor conditions, recruiting, screening, notification of job offers, and acquisition of status of residence for employees, etc. either in part or in their entirety
2) Pension fund operators, financial institutions or equivalent organizations involved in labor related operations
3) National and local public agencies, public offices and other related organizations for the execution of various procedures required by law
4) Third parties such as other companies and other organizations for temporary assignment, temporary secondment, transfers and other personnel assignment
5) Third parties to which personal information may be provided without the consent of the individual in accordance with laws concerning protection of personal information in the following situations:
a. Based on the law
b. It is necessary to do so in order to protect human life, physical well-being or property and there is difficulty in obtaining the consent of the individual
c. It is especially necessary to do so in order to improve public health or promote healthy nurturing of children and there is difficulty in obtaining the consent of the individual
d. It is necessary to cooperate with a government organization, local public agency or contractor in the execution of their work stipulated in laws and obtaining the consent of the individual could interfere with the execution of said work
(2) When providing personal information to third parties in cases other than the above, the consent of the employees, etc. or applicants, etc. shall be obtained.
3. Disclosure of personal information of employees, etc. and applicants, etc.
(1) Correction, addition, deletion (hereafter "Correction, etc.") or disclosure of the personal information of employees, etc. and applicants, etc. shall be handled by the employees, etc. or applicants, etc. themselves by accessing and making Corrections, etc. in the personnel information system, online hiring system or other system (hereafter "the Company's systems").
(2) Requests for notification of purpose of use, cessation of use, deletion, cessation of provision to third parties, disclosure of records of provision to third parties, and provision of information on personal information protection measures and disclosure and Corrections, etc. of personal information that cannot be accessed or corrected in the Company's systems are accepted at the address below. Attach the necessary documents to the designated request form and mail your request.
1) Point of contact
Person in charge of Personal Information Handling
Peach Aviation Limited
1 Senshukukonaka, Tajiri-cho, Sennan-gun, Osaka 549-0011
2)Method of Requesting
ⅰ)Request form
ii)Documents for identification
Please enclose the following (a) or (b) for identification.
(a) A photocopy of one of the following documents: driver's license, passport, physical disability certificate, or Residence Card or Special Permanent Resident Certificate
(b) In cases other than (a) above, two of the following documents: photocopy of health insurance card, photocopy of pension book, or seal registration certificate (issued within 3 months) with a registered seal affixed to the margin of the original.
In the case of a request for notification or disclosure of the purpose of use of retained personal data, and if you wish to receive a response by mail, a handling fee of 1,000 yen (including tax) will be charged per request. Please enclose a postal money order with fixed amount (1,000 yen) issued by Japan Post Bank Co., Ltd.
*If the fee is insufficient or not enclosed, we will notify you in writing, but if payment is not made within two weeks of the dispatch of said document, we will assume that no request for disclosure has been made.
*No fee is required for requests other than notification or disclosure of the purpose of use.
3)Method of Response
We will respond in writing or by electromagnetic record to the person who made the request (to the address or the e-mail address indicated on the request form).
*If you wish to receive a response by electromagnetic record (electronic file format), Please make sure that you can receive emails from the domain "@flypeach.com".
4)Purpose of Use of Personal Information Acquired in Connection with Requests for Disclosure, etc.
Personal information acquired in connection with requests for Disclosure, etc. shall be handled only to the extent necessary for handling the request for Disclosure, etc. Documents submitted will be stored for a certain period of time and then properly disposed of.
(3) Regardless of the above, in the following cases, the Company may fully or partially deny requests for disclosure, etc. of personal information:
1) Items related to performance review
2) Items related to review process for personnel transfers
3) Items related to employment screening
4) Items related to internal selection or interviews
5) Items related to awards and punishments
6) Items that if disclosed could harm the life, physical well-being, property or other rights and interests of the individual or a third party
7) Other items that if disclosed could greatly impede the proper conducting of the Company's business
4. Management of Personal Information
We will take necessary and appropriate security control measures to prevent leakage, loss, or damage of the personal information of employees, etc. and applicants, etc. and to manage such information.
We will endeavor to maintain accurate and up-to-date information within the scope of the purposes of use, and will exercise necessary and appropriate supervision over directors, employees, and contractors (including subcontractors, etc.) handling personal data with respect to the protection and appropriate handling of the personal information of employees, etc. and applicants, etc.
In addition, we will set a separate retention period for personal information in accordance with the purpose of use, and dispose of such information in an appropriate manner after such period has elapsed.
5. Company Name, Address, and Name of Representative
Peach Aviation Limited
1 Senshukuko-Kita, Izumisano-shi, Osaka, Japan
Representative Director and CEO, Kazunari Ohashi
These regulations for the handling of the personal information of employees, etc. shall take effect on April 1, 2023.
○第1条(Peach Aviation株式会社採用ホームページ会員サービスの定義)
「Peach Aviation株式会社採用ホームページ会員サービス」(以下「会員サービス」とします)とは、Peach Aviation株式会社(以下「当社」とします)が提供するインターネット上の就職情報サービスのことをいいます。
本条の定めにかかわらず、会員がANAホールディングス株式会社またはそのグループ会社に所属している場合、採用内定時に、入社時期等調整のため、当該採用応募者等の氏名および所属情報を当該所属会社と共同利用することがあります。当該情報の管理については、当社(〒549-0001大阪府泉佐野市泉州空港北1番地 代表取締役CEO大橋一成)が責任を有するものとします。
① 会員の一般の利益に適合する場合
[Member services on Peach Aviation Limited's recruitment website - Terms and Conditions of Member]
○ Article 1 (Definition of member services on Peach Aviation Limited's recruitment website)
Member services on Peach Aviation Limited's recruitment website (hereinafter referred to as "Member Service") means the online recruitment information and services provided by Peach Aviation Limited (hereinafter referred to as "the Company").
○ Article 2 (Members)
(1) A member shall mean a person who engages in job-seeking activities and register for the Member Services on this website according to the method specified and approved by The Company.
(2) The member shall have the right to use the member services on this website.
(3) The member hereby agree that this agreement shall be effective at the time of admission.
○ Article 3 (Member ID number and password)
(1) The member shall register the password as soon as the member ID number is provided by The Company. However, the member ID number may not be granted in the event that the Company determines that there is a violation of Article 5 hereof.
(2) The member shall not disclose, transfer and/or lend the membership ID number and password to any third party.
(3) The management and use of the Member ID number and the password registered by the Member shall be on the Member's own responsibility. The Company shall not be responsible for any misuse iccured by the Member or any third party.
○ Article 4 (Member Services)
(1) The member hereby acknowledges and agrees that the operation of the Member Service may be suspended or ceased by The Company without prior notice.
(2) The member hereby acknowledges and agrees that the function of member service may be disrupted or suspended due to a system failure or any other circumstances.
(3) In no event shall The Company be liable for any damage to the Member caused by any change, suspension, or discontinuation of the Member Service.
(4) The Company may change the contents of the Member Service and such change shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Article 9.
○ Article 5 (Prohibition)
The Member shall not perform any of the following acts.
(1) The act of infringing copyrights, portrait rights, or other intellectual property rights of other members, The Company, or third parties
(2) The act of infringing the property, credit, reputation, privacy, and/or other human rights of other members, The Company, and/or third parties
(3) The act of discriminating, criticizing, attacking, and/or slandering other members, The Company, and/or third parties
(4) The act of interfering with or be liable to interfere with the operation of the member services on this website.
(5) The act of interfering with The Company`s operation and/or inflicting a loss on The Company.
(6) The act of canvassing and/or selling goods for personal purposes, and/or using the member services this website to provide information for business and/or commercial purposes.
(7) The act of reproducting, selling and/or publishing the information obtained by the member services on this website, and/or using such information for any purpose other than private use.
(8) The act of political, election, and/or religious activities using the member services on this website.
(9) The act of providing false information for the registeration.
(10) Acts lead to criminal act, and/or the act of violating public order and morals, and/or laws and regulations.
○ Article 6 (Expulsion)
A member hereby acknowledges and agrees that, member services may be ceased by The Company without any prior notice upon a determination that the member has committed a breach of this agreement, and/or been considered a defaulting member.
○ Article 7 (Compensation for Damages)
The company shall not be liable for any loss or damage to the Member caused by the use, change, suspension, or discontinuation of the Member Service.
And The company shall not be liable for any loss or damage incurred by any member or third party by using the Member Services, except any loss or damage related to or arising from The Company's gross negligence or willful misconduct.
○ Article 8 (Use of Personal Data by The Company)
The member hereby acknowledge and agree that, the information provided by the member shall be used for the purpose of recruiting activities.
The company shall not use or disclose personal information such as the name of a member out of the above purpose without any justifiable reason.
Notwithstanding the provision of this article, if the member belongs to ANA Holdings Co. Ltd. or its affiliated company, information registered on this website, such as member's name, shall be shared with the preceding affiliated company to which the member belongs, for the purposes of offering job or scheduling the onboarding, etc. The company(〒549-0001 1 Senshu Kukou Kita, Izumisano-shi, Osaka, Japan Representative Director and CEO: Kazunari Ohashi)shall be liable for the management of such information.
○ Article 9 (Amendment of this Agreement)
(1) The company shall amend this agreement from time to time without obtaining the prior consent from the members in any of the following circumstances: notifying the members of the changes on the internet, or informing the members of the changes using the methods specified by The Company.
In addition, in the event this agreement is amended pursuant to ② of this paragraph, the revised agreement shall be applicable within a reasonable period after a notification of amendment.
① If the changes conform to the common interests of members.
② If the changes are found to be caused by social and economic circumstances, laws and regulations, conditions of member services, and/or any other reasonable circumstances.
(2) Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, this agreement shall be amended using any reasonable methods, such as obtaining the consent from members, etc..
○ Supplementary Provisions
This Agreement shall be effective from April 1 , 2023.
【 従業員等個人情報の取り扱いについて】
a. 給与・賞与・その他報奨金の計算・支給業務、各種控除、融資返済等の支払金の給与控除と支払手続き業務
b. 社会保険業務
c. 給与所得に関する税務
d. 労災補償業務
e. 福利厚生業務(福利厚生施設の運用、各種保険・商品・サービスの紹介)
f. 健康管理業務
g. 人事異動に伴う労務関連業務
h. 内部及び外部による監査業務
2) 人事配置・能力開発・処遇及び人事諸制度企画立案・調査・分析・運用等の以下の人事・労政業務
a 組織体制立案・人事配置
b. 従業員の能力開発、教育訓練及び自己啓発支援、目標管理
c. 賃金・報奨金の決定
d. 人事配置や賃金の決定等のための人事考課
e. 人事諸制度作成及び労務関連業務の運用基準の策定
f. 表彰・懲戒
g. 社内行事の実施
3) 従業員等の募集・採用選考・内定通知に係る業務ならびに、当社への入社に係る業務
a. 各種会社説明会の案内および申込み受付のため
b. 応募後の参考のための当社の各種企業情報の案内および送付のため
c. 従業員の募集内容の案内のため
d. 面接、書類選考等の採用選考の申込み受付のため
e. 採用選考を実施するため
f. 採用選考結果の本人への通知を行うため
g. 採用内定通知を行うため
h. 雇入れ時の健康診断を実施するため
j. 配属決定にかかる通知を行うため
k. 内定者説明会および入社式等の案内のため
l. 事前研修等の実施のため
m. 障害者雇用等に関係する法令で定められた業務
n. 就労可能な在留資格取得手続きのため
o. 出張手配のため
4) 退職者に係る業務
a. 退職者との連絡を実施するため
b. 税務署及び職業安定署による監査対応のため
c. 会計監査及び内部監査の対応のため
d. 人事データ作成のため
5) 法令に定める事項の遵守、業務上及び緊急時における連絡及びそのための連絡体制の作成、配布・配送業務、入退室等セキュリティ管理、勤務管理、経理業務等
6) 上記のほか、会社の諸規則を実施するために必要な事項
3) 法令上要求される諸手続きを履行するために、国・地方公共団体・官公庁等の関係団体へ必要な個人情報を提供する場合
4) 派遣・出向・移籍等の人事配置を行うために、他社、他団体等の第三者へ個人情報を提供する場合
5) 個人情報保護法が規定する本人の同意を得ずに第三者提供できる場合
a. 法令に基づく場合
b. 人の生命、身体又は財産の保護のために必要がある場合であって本人の同意を得ることが困難であるとき
c. 公衆衛生の向上又は児童の健全な育成の推進のために特に必要がある場合であって本人の同意を得ることが困難であるとき
d. 国の機関、地方公共団体又はその委託を受けた者が法令の定める事務を遂行することに対して協力する必要がある場合本人の同意を得ることにより当該事務の遂行に支障を及ぼすおそれがあるとき。
② 上記の場合以外に第三者へ個人情報を提供するときには、従業員等または採用応募者等本人からの同意を得るものとします。
3. 従業員等及び採用応募者等の個人情報の開示等
② 従業員等及び採用応募者等に関する個人情報の利用目的の通知、利用停止、消去、第三者への提供の停止、第三者提供記録の開示および個人情報保護措置に関する情報提供並びに当社システムにより閲覧、訂正等することができない個人情報の開示、訂正等については、以下の窓口にて受け付けております。所定の請求用紙に必要書類を添付の上、郵送にて請求ください。
〒549-0011 大阪府泉南郡田尻町泉州空港中1番地
Peach Aviation 株式会社 個人情報取扱い担当
(ア) 運転免許証、パスポート、身体障害者手帳、在留カードまたは特別永住者証明書のいずれか1点を複写したもの
(イ) 上の(ア)以外の場合は、次に掲げるもののうちの2点
保有個人データの利用目的の通知または開示の請求の場合で、かつ郵送による回答を希望される場合は、1回の請求ごとに手数料1,000円(税込)をご負担いただきます。 株式会社ゆうちょ銀行が発行する定額小為替証書(1,000円分)を同封してください。
③ 上記に関わらず、当社は次の各号のいずれかに該当する場合には、個人情報の開示等の請求の全部または一部に応じないことがあります。
4. 個人情報の管理
代表取締役CEO 大橋 一成
[Handling of Employee Personal Information]
The personal information of directors, employees (including not only those who are in a direct employment relationship with the Company but also those who are on temporary secondment or temporary staff), retirees, their families (hereafter referred to collectively as "employees, etc.") and those who are applying or have applied to become a director or employee of the Company (hereafter referred to as "applicants, etc.") shall be handled as follows:
1. Purpose of use of personal information of employees, etc. and applicants, etc.
The Company uses the personal information of employees, etc. and applicants, etc. for the following purposes.
We will not use your personal information in a manner that may encourage or induce illegal or improper activities, even within the scope of the purpose.
1) Labor-related operations
a. Calculation and payment of salaries, bonuses and other financial incentives,withholdings, deductions for returning loans and payment procedures
b. Social insurance operations
c. Taxes related to employment income
d. Workers’ compensation operations
e. Welfare program operations (running of welfare facilities, introduction of various insurance products and services)
f. Health management operations
g. Labor-related operations associated with personnel transfers
h. Internal and external audit operations
2) Personnel and labor administration operations below associated with personnel assignment,skills development, treatment as well as planning and proposal, investigation, analysis,operation, etc. of various personnel systems
a. Organizational structure planning and personnel assignment
b. Employee skills development, educational training, self-development support, goal management
c. Determination of wages and financial incentives
d. Performance review for determining personnel assignment and wages
e. Creation of various personnel systems and formulation of standards for labor-related operations
f. Commendations and official reprimands
g. Internal events
3) Operations related to recruiting, screening and notification of job offers for employees, etc. and operations related to the new hire employment
a. Provision of information on various company explanatory meetings and acceptance of applications for same
b. Provision or sending of corporate information for reference following application
c. Provision of information on employee recruiting details
d. Acceptance of applications for interviews, document screening and other employment screening
e. Employment screening
f. Notification of results of employment screening
g. Notification of job offers
h. Health examinations at time of hiring
i. Proper assignment
j. Notification of assignment decision
k. Provision of information on explanatory meetings for prospective employees, initiation ceremonies, etc.
l. Advance training
m. Operations stipulated in laws related to hiring of persons with disabilities
n. Preparation of acquisition of status of residence
o. Preparation of business trip
4) Operations related to retirees
a. Communication with retirees
b. Response to audits by tax and employment security offices
c. Response to accounting and internal audits
d. Preparation of personnel data
5) Observance of legal stipulations, operational and emergency communications, creation of communication system, distribution/delivery operations, security and access control, work management, accounting operations, etc.
6) Other necessary matters for implementing various corporate regulations
2. Scope of users of personal information of employees, etc. and applicants, etc.
(1) The personal information of employees, etc. and applicants, etc. may be provided to the persons/organizations listed below in the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use defined in 1 above.
1) The Company's contractors hired to do operations related to labor conditions, recruiting, screening, notification of job offers, and acquisition of status of residence for employees, etc. either in part or in their entirety
2) Pension fund operators, financial institutions or equivalent organizations involved in labor related operations
3) National and local public agencies, public offices and other related organizations for the execution of various procedures required by law
4) Third parties such as other companies and other organizations for temporary assignment, temporary secondment, transfers and other personnel assignment
5) Third parties to which personal information may be provided without the consent of the individual in accordance with laws concerning protection of personal information in the following situations:
a. Based on the law
b. It is necessary to do so in order to protect human life, physical well-being or property and there is difficulty in obtaining the consent of the individual
c. It is especially necessary to do so in order to improve public health or promote healthy nurturing of children and there is difficulty in obtaining the consent of the individual
d. It is necessary to cooperate with a government organization, local public agency or contractor in the execution of their work stipulated in laws and obtaining the consent of the individual could interfere with the execution of said work
(2) When providing personal information to third parties in cases other than the above, the consent of the employees, etc. or applicants, etc. shall be obtained.
3. Disclosure of personal information of employees, etc. and applicants, etc.
(1) Correction, addition, deletion (hereafter "Correction, etc.") or disclosure of the personal information of employees, etc. and applicants, etc. shall be handled by the employees, etc. or applicants, etc. themselves by accessing and making Corrections, etc. in the personnel information system, online hiring system or other system (hereafter "the Company's systems").
(2) Requests for notification of purpose of use, cessation of use, deletion, cessation of provision to third parties, disclosure of records of provision to third parties, and provision of information on personal information protection measures and disclosure and Corrections, etc. of personal information that cannot be accessed or corrected in the Company's systems are accepted at the address below. Attach the necessary documents to the designated request form and mail your request.
1) Point of contact
Person in charge of Personal Information Handling
Peach Aviation Limited
1 Senshukukonaka, Tajiri-cho, Sennan-gun, Osaka 549-0011
2)Method of Requesting
ⅰ)Request form
ii)Documents for identification
Please enclose the following (a) or (b) for identification.
(a) A photocopy of one of the following documents: driver's license, passport, physical disability certificate, or Residence Card or Special Permanent Resident Certificate
(b) In cases other than (a) above, two of the following documents: photocopy of health insurance card, photocopy of pension book, or seal registration certificate (issued within 3 months) with a registered seal affixed to the margin of the original.
In the case of a request for notification or disclosure of the purpose of use of retained personal data, and if you wish to receive a response by mail, a handling fee of 1,000 yen (including tax) will be charged per request. Please enclose a postal money order with fixed amount (1,000 yen) issued by Japan Post Bank Co., Ltd.
*If the fee is insufficient or not enclosed, we will notify you in writing, but if payment is not made within two weeks of the dispatch of said document, we will assume that no request for disclosure has been made.
*No fee is required for requests other than notification or disclosure of the purpose of use.
3)Method of Response
We will respond in writing or by electromagnetic record to the person who made the request (to the address or the e-mail address indicated on the request form).
*If you wish to receive a response by electromagnetic record (electronic file format), Please make sure that you can receive emails from the domain "@flypeach.com".
4)Purpose of Use of Personal Information Acquired in Connection with Requests for Disclosure, etc.
Personal information acquired in connection with requests for Disclosure, etc. shall be handled only to the extent necessary for handling the request for Disclosure, etc. Documents submitted will be stored for a certain period of time and then properly disposed of.
(3) Regardless of the above, in the following cases, the Company may fully or partially deny requests for disclosure, etc. of personal information:
1) Items related to performance review
2) Items related to review process for personnel transfers
3) Items related to employment screening
4) Items related to internal selection or interviews
5) Items related to awards and punishments
6) Items that if disclosed could harm the life, physical well-being, property or other rights and interests of the individual or a third party
7) Other items that if disclosed could greatly impede the proper conducting of the Company's business
4. Management of Personal Information
We will take necessary and appropriate security control measures to prevent leakage, loss, or damage of the personal information of employees, etc. and applicants, etc. and to manage such information.
We will endeavor to maintain accurate and up-to-date information within the scope of the purposes of use, and will exercise necessary and appropriate supervision over directors, employees, and contractors (including subcontractors, etc.) handling personal data with respect to the protection and appropriate handling of the personal information of employees, etc. and applicants, etc.
In addition, we will set a separate retention period for personal information in accordance with the purpose of use, and dispose of such information in an appropriate manner after such period has elapsed.
5. Company Name, Address, and Name of Representative
Peach Aviation Limited
1 Senshukuko-Kita, Izumisano-shi, Osaka, Japan
Representative Director and CEO, Kazunari Ohashi
These regulations for the handling of the personal information of employees, etc. shall take effect on April 1, 2023.