職種検索(都道府県) Job Search(Area)
北海道 青森県 岩手県 宮城県 秋田県 山形県 福島県
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新潟県 富山県 石川県 福井県
山梨県 長野県 岐阜県 静岡県 愛知県 三重県
滋賀県 京都府 大阪府 兵庫県 奈良県 和歌山県
鳥取県 島根県 岡山県 広島県 山口県
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福岡県 佐賀県 長崎県 熊本県 大分県 宮崎県 鹿児島県 沖縄県
68件の検索結果が見つかりました。 / 68 search results have been found.
68 件中 41-50 件を表示 Display 41-50 out of 68.
求人カテゴリー / Recruiting Category
職種/Job type
事務職/Administrative officer
雇用形態/Employment pattern
任期制非常勤職員/Fixed-Term Part-Time Staff
職名/Job type
業務内容/Work contents
(2)外部資金およびプロジェクト型研究における集計、報告、会計検 査 等対応補助
応募資格/Application eligibility
日給 12,270円
提出書類/Documents to be submitted
提出期限(随時募集)/submission deadline
随時選考を行います。(ただし、適任者決定次第締め切り)/selection at any time (however,no examination will be held once a competent person for the relevant job has been selected)
勤務地 / Work location
求人番号:23151【千葉】Q-LEAP「量子生命技術の創製と医学・生命科 学の革新」ヘッドクオーター業務(量子生命科学研究所)
求人カテゴリー / Recruiting Category
職種/Job type
技術職/Technical job
雇用形態/Employment pattern
任期制常勤職員/Fixed-Term Full-Time Staff
職名/Job type
業務内容/Work contents
応募資格/Application eligibility
提出書類/Documents to be submitted
提出期限(随時募集)/submission deadline
随時選考を行います。(ただし、適任者決定次第締め切り)/selection at any time (however,no examination will be held once a competent person for the relevant job has been selected)
勤務地 / Work location
求人カテゴリー / Recruiting Category
職種/Job type
雇用形態/Employment pattern
任期制非常勤職員/Fixed-Term Part-Time Staff
職名/Job type
業務内容/Work contents
応募資格/Application eligibility
時給 1,180円
提出書類/Documents to be submitted
提出期限(随時募集)/submission deadline
随時選考を行います。(ただし、適任者決定次第締め切り)/selection at any time (however,no examination will be held once a competent person for the relevant job has been selected)
勤務地 / Work location
求人カテゴリー / Recruiting Category
職種/Job type
研究職/Research job
雇用形態/Employment pattern
任期制非常勤職員/Fixed-Term Part-Time Staff
職名/Job type
業務内容/Work contents
応募資格/Application eligibility
日給 12,450円~(経験による)
提出書類/Documents to be submitted
提出期限(随時募集)/submission deadline
随時選考を行います。(ただし、適任者決定次第締め切り)/selection at any time (however,no examination will be held once a competent person for the relevant job has been selected)
勤務地 / Work location
求人カテゴリー / Recruiting Category
職種/Job type
雇用形態/Employment pattern
任期制非常勤職員/Fixed-Term Part-Time Staff
職名/Job type
業務内容/Work contents
応募資格/Application eligibility
時給 1,180円
提出書類/Documents to be submitted
提出期限(随時募集)/submission deadline
随時選考を行います。(ただし、適任者決定次第締め切り)/selection at any time (however,no examination will be held once a competent person for the relevant job has been selected)
勤務地 / Work location
求人カテゴリー / Recruiting Category
職種/Job type
研究職/Research job
雇用形態/Employment pattern
任期制常勤職員/Fixed-Term Full-Time Staff
職名/Job type
博士研究員/Postdoctoral Fellow
業務テーマ/Work theme
Studies on bio-metal dynamics using quantum beamanalyses
業務内容/Work contents
We aim to clarify the elemental characteristics and formation mechanism of localized and concentrated bio-metals by in situdetermination of metal distribution and chemical status with quantum beam based elemental analysis, such as PIXE, SR-XRFand XAFS. In particular, we promote technological development that can contribute to radiation emergency medicine, such asevaluation methods of actinide in vivo kinetics and tissue migration.
応募資格/Application eligibility

(1)A person who is willing to take the initiative in executing research based on the research theme set by QST.
(2)A person for whom eight years have not passed, at the time of hiring, since the acquisition of their doctoral degree. However, a foreign national researcher is eligible if eight years have not passed, at the time of being newly hired, since the acquisition of their foreign license or qualification that QST finds equivalent to those licenses and qualifications of Japanese doctors, medical radiology technicians, or medical physicists, and also if QST finds that this foreign national researcher possesses abilities equivalent to those of doctoral degree holders. If a person took maternity leave before or after childbirth under the Labor Standards Act or childcare leave or caregiver leave under the Act on Childcare and Caregiver Leave, this person is eligible if eight years excluding the period of such leave have not passed, at the time of being newly hired, since the acquisition of their degree, etc.
(3)Any person who has ever worked at QST as a doctoral research fellow is not eligible to apply.
Based on our annual salary system, the salary is determined according to the following categories on the basis of experience, achievements, etc.
A monthly amount of 370000, 400000, or 450000 yen (inclusive of social insurance premiums and taxes)
提出書類/Documents to be submitted

(1)Achievement list (organized according to original articles, review papers, and conference presentations; in reverse chronological order)
(2)Outline of main achievements (up to 2 sheets of A4 paper)
(3)Your aspirations for future research (up to 2 sheets of A4 paper)
(When stating your aspirations, associate them with the theme of your choice.)
(4)Reprints of up to five main papers
(5)Diploma (copy)
提出期限(随時募集)/submission deadline
随時選考を行います。(ただし、適任者決定次第締め切り)/selection at any time (however,no examination will be held once a competent person for the relevant job has been selected)
勤務地 / Work location
求人カテゴリー / Recruiting Category
職種/Job type
研究職/Research job
雇用形態/Employment pattern
任期制常勤職員/Fixed-Term Full-Time Staff
職名/Job type
博士研究員/Postdoctoral Fellow
業務テーマ/Work theme
Tau network mapping in dementia patients usingresting-state functional MRI connectivity
業務内容/Work contents
To identify the brain network dysfunction underlying a specific symptom in tauopathy patients by combining information on thedistributed locations of tau-deposit across patients showing the symptom with the resting-state fMRI connectivity derived froma large population of normal subjects.
応募資格/Application eligibility

(1)A person who is willing to take the initiative in executing research based on the research theme set by QST.
(2)A person for whom eight years have not passed, at the time of hiring, since the acquisition of their doctoral degree. However, a foreign national researcher is eligible if eight years have not passed, at the time of being newly hired, since the acquisition of their foreign license or qualification that QST finds equivalent to those licenses and qualifications of Japanese doctors, medical radiology technicians, or medical physicists, and also if QST finds that this foreign national researcher possesses abilities equivalent to those of doctoral degree holders. If a person took maternity leave before or after childbirth under the Labor Standards Act or childcare leave or caregiver leave under the Act on Childcare and Caregiver Leave, this person is eligible if eight years excluding the period of such leave have not passed, at the time of being newly hired, since the acquisition of their degree, etc.
(3)Any person who has ever worked at QST as a doctoral research fellow is not eligible to apply.
Based on our annual salary system, the salary is determined according to the following categories on the basis of experience, achievements, etc.
A monthly amount of 370000, 400000, or 450000 yen (inclusive of social insurance premiums and taxes)
提出書類/Documents to be submitted

(1)Achievement list (organized according to original articles, review papers, and conference presentations; in reverse chronological order)
(2)Outline of main achievements (up to 2 sheets of A4 paper)
(3)Your aspirations for future research (up to 2 sheets of A4 paper)
(When stating your aspirations, associate them with the theme of your choice.)
(4)Reprints of up to five main papers
(5)Diploma (copy)
提出期限(随時募集)/submission deadline
随時選考を行います。(ただし、適任者決定次第締め切り)/selection at any time (however,no examination will be held once a competent person for the relevant job has been selected)
勤務地 / Work location
求人カテゴリー / Recruiting Category
職種/Job type
研究職/Research job
雇用形態/Employment pattern
任期制常勤職員/Fixed-Term Full-Time Staff
職名/Job type
博士研究員/Postdoctoral Fellow
業務テーマ/Work theme
別紙のとおり/As shown in the attachment
業務内容/Work contents
別紙のとおり/As shown in the attachment
応募資格/Application eligibility

(1)A person who is willing to take the initiative in executing research based on the research theme set by QST.
(2)A person for whom eight years have not passed, at the time of hiring, since the acquisition of their doctoral degree. However, a foreign national researcher is eligible if eight years have not passed, at the time of being newly hired, since the acquisition of their foreign license or qualification that QST finds equivalent to those licenses and qualifications of Japanese doctors, medical radiology technicians, or medical physicists, and also if QST finds that this foreign national researcher possesses abilities equivalent to those of doctoral degree holders. If a person took maternity leave before or after childbirth under the Labor Standards Act or childcare leave or caregiver leave under the Act on Childcare and Caregiver Leave, this person is eligible if eight years excluding the period of such leave have not passed, at the time of being newly hired, since the acquisition of their degree, etc.
(3)Any person who has ever worked at QST as a doctoral research fellow is not eligible to apply.
(4)Those who can take office on April 1, 2024.
Based on our annual salary system, the salary is determined according to the following categories on the basis of experience, achievements, etc.
A monthly amount of 370000, 400000, or 450000 yen (inclusive of social insurance premiums and taxes)
提出書類/Documents to be submitted

(1)Achievement list (organized according to original articles, review papers, and conference presentations; in reverse chronological order)
(2)Outline of main achievements (up to 2 sheets of A4 paper)
(3)Your aspirations for future research (up to 2 sheets of A4 paper)
(When stating your aspirations, associate them with the theme of your choice.)
(4)Reprints of up to five main papers
(5)Diploma (copy)
提出期限(随時募集)/submission deadline
随時選考を行います。(ただし、適任者決定次第締め切り)/selection at any time (however,no examination will be held once a competent person for the relevant job has been selected)
勤務地 / Work location
求人カテゴリー / Recruiting Category
職種/Job type
技術職/Technical job
雇用形態/Employment pattern
任期制非常勤職員/Fixed-Term Part-Time Staff
職名/Job type
業務内容/Work contents
応募資格/Application eligibility
日給 12,270円
提出書類/Documents to be submitted
提出期限(随時募集)/submission deadline
随時選考を行います。(ただし、適任者決定次第締め切り)/selection at any time (however,no examination will be held once a competent person for the relevant job has been selected)
勤務地 / Work location
求人カテゴリー / Recruiting Category
職種/Job type
研究職/Research job
雇用形態/Employment pattern
任期制常勤職員/Fixed-Term Full-Time Staff
職名/Job type
博士研究員/Postdoctoral Fellow
業務テーマ/Work theme
業務内容/Work contents
応募資格/Application eligibility
(1)A person who is willing to take the initiative in executing research based on the research theme set by QST.
(2)A person for whom eight years have not passed, at the time of hiring, since the acquisition of their doctoral degree. However, a foreign national researcher is eligible if eight years have not passed, at the time of being newly hired, since the acquisition of their foreign license or qualification that QST finds equivalent to those licenses and qualifications of Japanese doctors, medical radiology technicians, or medical physicists, and also if QST finds that this foreign national researcher possesses abilities equivalent to those of doctoral degree holders. If a person took maternity leave before or after childbirth under the Labor Standards Act or childcare leave or caregiver leave under the Act on Childcare and Caregiver Leave, this person is eligible if eight years excluding the period of such leave have not passed, at the time of being newly hired, since the acquisition of their degree, etc.
(3)Any person who has ever worked at QST as a doctoral research fellow is not eligible to apply.
Based on our annual salary system, the salary is determined according to the following categories on the basis of experience, achievements, etc.
A monthly amount of 370000, 400000, or 450000 yen (inclusive of social insurance premiums and taxes)
提出書類/Documents to be submitted

(1)Achievement list (organized according to original articles, review papers, and conference presentations; in reverse chronological order)
(2)Outline of main achievements (up to 2 sheets of A4 paper)
(3)Your aspirations for future research (up to 2 sheets of A4 paper)
(When stating your aspirations, associate them with the theme of your choice.)
(4)Reprints of up to five main papers
(5)Diploma (copy)
提出期限/submission deadline
2024年 08月 31日
勤務地 / Work location
68 件中 41-50 件を表示 Display 41-50 out of 68.